I joined up on Twitter about two weeks ago and I'm kind of addicted to it. But strangely it makes me just a little bit uncomfortable... I feel like I'm not a part of the community yet, but I want to be. At the same time, all of the tweeting I'm doing makes it feel like I'm becoming disconnected with my IRL friends because I'm not keeping up with them on FaceBook.
Is it totally pathetic though that I consider most of my IRL friends the ones that I have on facebook? Yes. IRL btw is blogger speak for In Real Life. Oh god, I'm being sucked in.
And yet, I like it. A lot. I joined up because I'm going to BlogHer '11 in a few days and to be honest? I'm terrified. Terrified by all of these girls that seem to know each other so well through their blogs and twitter. Terrified by all of the amazing writing men and women that are being sponsored and write elsewhere and seem to be doing this thing so professionally... while I'm still just kind of floundering along, figuring it all out.
So yeah, the self doubt? Totally present. But true. And I think that it's true for a lot of the people that are going. And I keep reading blogs about what to do and what to bring and how to act and who to talk to (everyone) and I'm like... AAAAGH, freaking out over here.
But I have to remind myself that at one point, I was a professional event planner and fundraiser. That I used to be in social situations all the time with doctors and gazillionaires and people that made a huge difference in the world. So this won't be any different... I just have to remember that I'm going to be a little bit rusty at it and not drink my way through the conference... Especially since I'll probably hug everyone in sight if I do and that MIGHT not be the best way to make new friends/contacts.
But wish me luck... I'll try not to make too much of an ass of myself.
Wow enjoy BlogHer! I hope I can go next year! I'm a little intimidated by it myself. I can't wait to hear about your experience! Btw on twitter, I'm @joonluv630. ;) Happy SOC Sunday!!
Good luck and have fun!
I often feel the same way-that everyone knows each other and is a tight group and I am the akward, gangly interloper :)
It looks like you've been blogging plenty long enough to be "one of us." You're just going through the natural cycles. At one point, I couldn't even imagine why I should keep up with FB. Then Twitter. Then both. You'll find a balance between your IRL friends and your online friends and soon the lines will become so blurred it won't matter.
I'll see you at BlogHer!!!
Good luck at BlogHer!! You'll do great I'm sure. I feel the same way you do, people know each other, people are better bloggers than me, would I even belong at such a conference??! But you'll do great. Oh, and twitter? Yeah. Totally addicted. @MelissaG813 is me. I'm going to follow you!!
Stopping by from SOCS! :)
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