Thursday, July 21, 2011

Who the Hell AM I?

So part of my BlogHer experience this year is going to the Haute Green party/meetup. I'm beyond freaking out about this. I'm going to get to meet other bloggers, many of which I've stalked followed for years, and actually talk to them! Or at least try to talk to them while I babble incoherently...

The best part really is that all of these moms/women are like me. They all cloth diaper, they are all eco-friendly, most of them drink wine by the gallon... it's like, holy shit I've found my PEOPLE!

Let's be honest though, I was not always this way. The hubs and I have always been consumers. Like, REAL consumers of pretty much anything we could get our hands on. Durable goods, alcohol, food... we never really cared where it came from or where it was going when we finished with it. Hell, I was 25 when we met and the most I thought about where my food was coming from was when I ordered it out. We partied, we fed, we pretty much just consumed everything in our lives without a worry or a care.

And then we had the kid.

And while I don't remember the exact reason I decided that our lifestyle needed an overhaul besides the fact that, holy shit, what was going to be left for HIM?!?!, I knew that something had to give. I knew that while we recycled (the millions of bottles of beer/wine that we consumed) there was probably more that we could be doing. We talked about cloth diapers... and set it aside. We weren't ready to make that kind of commitment. I read about them, followed Amalah as she cloth diapered and kind of lusted after the cute colors and fat bottoms... but we decided it wasn't for us just yet. I was going back to work, then we were buying a house and moving 500 miles away. It didn't seem like something I needed to bother myself with.

Then we moved up to Sonoma. And here was the lifestyle that I never knew I wanted or needed all this time. Sustainable agriculture, composting, CSAs, local produce, dairy and meat... it was mind boggling and SO exciting for me. And all of a sudden it all fell into place. All of those things that I knew that I should be doing, became a whole lot easier to actually do. We joined a CSA, I picked my way through slowly read The Omnivore's Dilemma and started reading labels, shunning corn by-products and buying grass fed beef. We started a huge garden, cut down our footprint, got some chickens... and I started cloth diapering. And it was AWESOME! And I loved it!

I get it a lot from old friends though... Who the F*** are you and what happened to Ashley?

Its true... even I was astonished at this person who had gone from total consumer, self centered 20 something, to this conscious, aware "hippie" (as the hubs calls me). I feel like I've opened my eyes for the first time and I'm excited to make a change... no matter how small it is. Because I know that the change I've made in our lives will teach the kiddo to live his life the same way...

So now I get to share that passion with all of these other awesome, eco-cool women and I'm STOKED! And it will be amazing to be surrounded by like-minded people... to share ideas... cloth diapering horror stories... martinis... whatever. I'm just happy to be there. And maybe I'll bring some more hippie ideas with me up north.

I'm sure the hubs will be ecstatic.


Unknown said...

Can't wait to meet you! Love your blog design!

Megan@SortaCrunchy said...

I consider it a BIG compliment to be called a hippie! Can't wait to meet you at Haute Green!

Nanny Anna said...

Hi, I am just hopping by from the Welcome to the Weekend Blog Hop! Having a look around. Can't find a GFC Follow widget, but I did 'Like' you on facebook =)

Hope you will stop by my blog as well.


Unknown said...

Hi, stopping by from the blog hop and now a new follower of your blog thru GFC, Facebook and Twitter. Sounds like you are going to have alot of fun! I was not able to go because I can't afford it but it sounds wonderful. I would love a follow back on all three when you get a chance. Have a fun blog hopping and hope your week is wonderful!


Shana said...

Love the post! Hi! Just stopping by. Following you from Super Stalker Sunday Blog Hop. Would love a visit and a follow back on my blog:  Thanks! By the way, we are GIVING AWAY an IPAD 2 and would love for you to enter if you haven’t already!  Nice to meet you!

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