Wednesday, July 6, 2011


I started this blog in 2008... with something like 48 posts for the year. That's IT. I can manage that now in little less than 3 months. 

But I started writing a blog because I started reading blogs. Blogs like Amalah, and Dooce, and even my dear friend at the Land of Syd and Ben. I figured that it was a pretty fun outlet. A way to complain without anyone really listening. Because honestly? No one was listening at first.

And 4 years later, there are a few more people listening... and a few more commenting... and I still love to talk (shocker)... and I love to tell everyone about the transformation that has taken place in my life. The new home, the new life, the love for food and farming and sustainability and green-ness.

Is that even a word?


But when I was reading all of those blogs, I knew... I knew there was a community out there. A community of women who love to talk... about their families, their communities, their likes/dislikes, whatever caught their fancy at that moment in time. And I knew there was a place that they went every year...

I'm Going to BlogHer '11

Dude. I'm going.

BlogHer '11. The place where Blogging Women go to meet, learn and generally act like fools in front of other bloggers they have been following for years. 3000 of my closest blogging friends (who am I kidding, I'll know like two of them) and I will descend upon San Diego... to blog, tweet, facebook, sparklecorn and drool over each other.


I'll be tweeting, facebooking and trying to keep everyone connected the whole time... because I want you to share this adventure with me.

And I promise I won't make too much of an ass of myself...

Too much anyway.


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