Monday, June 23, 2008

Fitto comes home... and leaves again.

So this weekend was definitely an interesting one. Brian showed up after 4 weeks on Friday, completely exhausted from his trip home from Key West. We of course had no place to live because our house remodel has started SLOOOOOOOWING down. Ugh. We have cabinets, but had no floor, no tile, no nothing... it was a total bummer. So we stayed with our amazing friends Greg and Stacy who showed us an awesome weekend and it was amazing to get away for a little bit. Even though Brian slept through most of our weekend.

On Saturday we went to the baseball game after many cocktails and pieces of pizza at Basic... Stacy and I were dangerous with our foam fingers :-)But as usual, we were obnoxious and had a blast... until we lost. Stupid Padres.

On Sunday I had to take Brian back to North Island to fly the super hornet back to Lemoore. That is ONE SEXY DUDE. Let me tell you...
These are the hero shots... he would KILL me if he knew I was posting these on a blog... teehee

But they are adorable so I can't help it... Brian unfortunately left again to fly up to Lemoore, and then to fly to Florida to help him mom with some family stuff... he's such a good guy!!


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