Friday, February 27, 2009

February is ENDING?

Once again, my delinquency in blogging astounds me. Oh wait, no one actually reads this, so it doesn't really matter all that much :-)

So to catch everyone (really? all two of you) up to what has been going on the past few weeks...

Valentine's Day -
An awesome day in our household. I received 3 dozen roses (ALL RIGHT BRIAN) and we went out to dinner with our good friends Greg and Stacy. Went to a wonderful restaurant downtown, which was a REAL adventure for us, since a) we haven't been downtown in a while, b) it was Valentine's Day, c) it was a Saturday. Yikes. I was shocked me even managed to get a reservation... especially since Brian told me on the Thursday before that he hadn't done it yet. (Hrm, I'm sensing a trend that may continue for the rest of our lives).

Spending V-Day with our friends Greg and Stacy was especially nice, because they have just recently begun their trek back to Rhode Island, where they are moving :-(. Totally SUCKS. But because they have been in the midst of moving hell (I mean, honestly, when isn't it) they spent last Friday night at our house, instead of in their furniture-free home. It was nice to just sit and enjoy their company, four people sitting around chatting and hanging out. And not getting drunk! Who knew??? :-) Most of my evenings spent with Stacy involved drinking like 3-4 bottles of wine and smoking about 2 packs of smokes. EWWWWW. Always felt AWESOME the next day.

So, after a few weekends with them, they have left us for good. They are currently driving across country and I would LOVE to be a fly on the wall. I don't think moving is ever good for relationships, but their fighting is always so colorful :-)

So Brian spent this week skiing in Tahoe, again. That's all I'm going to say about that. But I am flying up tonight to Reno so I can enjoy the house for a few days as well. The boys did their yearly boondoggle (the ladies Amanda and Amanda were present as well) and I had to work. I am NOT bitter. But I'll be heading up there tonight and can't WAIT. I love to travel and even when it's just a quick 1.5 hour hop up to Reno, it's still fun.

Everyone have an awesome weekend and hopefully I'll have some good pics from Tahoe to post.


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